Friday, February 25, 2011

Meet the double baby B's

These two cuties were quite an experience.  Between only one being ready to have her eyes open at a time and not wanting to work together they stirred up a lot of laughs, a little chaos, some lesson in photography and some amazing shots.
Meet the beautiful B's, they're so sweet.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Winter Mornings

Now, before you say I'm crazy, let's get one thing straight; I absolutely, positively, above all else, can NOT stand winter.  I swear my day is Old Man Winter, up there shaking the snow globe, which he'll willingly admit to.  But me, not a chance, can't stand it.
I do, however, love the effect of winter melting (especially now that I am outside at 7 AM when it's only 40 degrees out every single day).
I love the pink and orange sunrises, the still slightly un-colored horizons, the fog and mist in the fields with gold streaming through it and the fact that at 7AM I have to put on my rose-tinted sunglasses to drive through work and see everything in a rosy haze  :)  So maybe I really just love my sunglasses.....but that's debatable.

**(P.S. : This is DEFINITELY one of those 'Don't try this at home' kind of things except...uh, don't try this in your car ok?  I've gotten good at this over the years, but that's not to say I haven't hit the rumble strip a time or twenty.  So be safe!)**

Monday, February 21, 2011

Quiet Nights at Home

There's not much that can honestly beat the high of sitting at home watching your child run back and forth giggling as he takes turns bundling up Mommy then Daddy and getting tickled in between....these are the nights that I spend at home that make like worth living.

A friend of mine has a daily facebook status update (well....mostly daily) that's S%&* my son says.  Well, S%&* my son DOES is sure to make you smile just as wide.  Enjoy tonights incredible fun.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Good Man

Today I love that I have a wonderful man at home.
Things that might prove this....he brings me flowers, even if he's late for the holiday he's buying them for.  He painted my toenails for me when I could no longer reach my feet due to my oversized pregnant belly.  He makes me laugh multiple times a day, even when I'm in a bad mood.  He ALWAYS biys the groceries.  And.....he always cleans up the snow.
Oh yes, today I love having a good man at home, because I never have to shovel snow.....or mow the lawn.
Thanks baby!  I love you!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


You will be seeing A LOT more of this babe.....or rather set of babes.
Today I shot a set of 4 month old twins.  One of which was rather photogenic AND wanted to be behind the lens  :)  So naturally; I shared.
I love littles with a healthy appetite for new things, bright personalities but most of all.....those curious about cameras :)  Sweeties after my own heart.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Unique designs for unique people

Due to internet issues today is a double post!

There are few other things in life that make me really shine like something that is as totally unique as the person who owns, wears, says, and/or makes it.  That's why todays first love is a totally unique cake.  And it has a double love, because the person who made the cake is totally unique in her own right.  First, let me show you todays photo....

This amazingly delicious cake was made for my friend Linda's birthday by my aunt Cheryl and OH MY WORD was it delicious.  The top of that Raspberry White Almond cream cake says "Fabulously 30" and certainly looked it part.

So....if you need a custom you know who to ask  :)  And that concludes my unique cake....see below for another unique design to go with today's double love day.

Totally unique designs for totally unique people two is a special design made guessed it; ME!
This birth announcement is just one is a small series I am making for all the new and beautiful babies that the people I love are expecting!
I sat down last night and said to myself "Self, you have no card designs for babies!  Self you offer them, but don't have any of your own! are totally should MAKE some!"  And so I did.  I will be posting the rest of my birth announcement designs on my fanpage for people to pick from, but this is one of my favorites from the 3 I made up last night.  It reminds me a bit of a movie poster, or a concert announcement poster and will be great for a mommy who wants flare.  I can't wait to fill this one in with a little who is unique in his or her own right!  let me know what you think.  And pop on over to my fanpage to see the others!

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Little Faces

It's no secret that I LOVE to photograph babies, also no secret that I call ever child a "little".  If you've been around me in the last 3 years, you've heard this.  If you've visited my website and/or fanpage, you've seen this.  Well today's love is for not only littles, but the faces they make, thus; Little Faces.
I was finishing up photos this afternoon and found a priceless face from a Baby Shower.  Children are absolutely precious, and their ability to make you smile or laugh so easily has got to be the best super power in the world.  I never take my little guys giggles for granted, I'll tell you that much.

Enjoy  :)

Monday, February 14, 2011

Beautiful mornings

Today, I'm in love with

7AM lens flare.  I bet you thought I was going to say love didn't you?  Since it's Valentines Day and all.....Hey, I love a good romantic read every now and then, but just because we celebrate a Saint with chocolate, cards, flowers and over-priced meals today, doesn't mean I'm going to get sappy on you.

So, 7AM lens flare.

Most photographers hate lens flare.  Me?  I embrace it.  Sure, after I get the flare shot I normally reshoot, get the "money shot".  But something like this is so beautiful.  I love hitting the sun and watching that moment that the color sweeps over my photo.  It always reminds me of a slow motion moment of complete happiness in a movie.  Whether it's 7AM like above, when the sun is brand new and the world is just starting to come into perspective (for real, 7AM every day is brutal for me) or mid afternoon like below.  Enjoy these moments, something special is happening.